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Love-n-Care Ministries
P.O. Box 535
North Bennington, Vermont 05257
Mobile: +1 (802) 379-3381
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Love-N-Care Ministries Deutschland e.V..
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How to Involve
There are many ways to be a part of the work of Love-n-Care Ministries, in India and around the world. Contact us to bring a team, do an internship, or for more information.
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Support LnC by purchasing a copy of Yesupadam - The Foot of Jesus, Reaching India's "Untouched", Terri Whitaker's recounting of the life of Yesupadam and the work of Love-n-Care Ministries.

The Foot of Jesus
by Terri Whitaker
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Receive a copy of David Jinno's book, Jesus' Foot, about God's work in and through the life of Yesupadam and Love-N-Care Ministries in India and around the world. Simply note 'Jesus' Foot book' when you make any donation.